Like this they are the houses that buy the Spaniards in the era of the Covid

The pandemia has altered it everything: the economic activity, the social interaction, the patterns of consumption and the way of life.
These data evidencian the exodus undertaken by the citizens in front of the scourge of the coronavirus and corroborate, according to the Recorder, "the tendency detected of research of house in populational cores with minor density". And it is that in the new real-estate normality lose the urbes and win the peripheries.
This scrolling of the demand to houses more espaciosas and with minor density (and vicinity) of neighbours is a phenomenon generalised in the national territory. In fact, in the fourth quarter, the houses unifamiliares elevated his relative weight in the compraventas in practically all the CCAA.
The overwhelm to face the quarantines in some square metres and the generalisation of the teleworking have spent to the demand to look for houses bigger. The result is an increase of the half surface of the real estates until the 102,13 square metres, 0,88% more than in the anterior quarter and a new historical record. Although in the accrued of the year the compraventas fell 16,6%, until the 419.898 operations, the market recovered in the last tract of 2020, with 113.799 compraventas, a heave quarterly of 11,35%, although 3,06% by
The demand displaces of the floors to the houses unifamiliares, that in the fourth quarter of 2020 represented 22,5% of the total of compraventas of houses, the tallest tax of his history.
EXN 16-02-21 /Expansion Ed.National/ Copyright Recoletos Group of Comunicacion S.A. All the rights reserved - Distributed by MyNews