Formality of energetic labels, cédulas of habitability and ITE

Put to the day and in rule his house. In IMOPRAT you asesoramo on the rights and duties of the owner.
Energetic certificates: From 1 June 2013 the on sale houses or in hire have to have of a certificate of energetic efficiency. This energetic certificate specifies with letters, of the To to the G, the level of emissions of CO2.
Cédula Of Habitability: it Is a document that collects if the finca chosen is the ideal for the use that pretends give to the house. It has to elaborate before the occupation of a house of new construction. It is indispensable for the obtaining of a mortgage.
Technical inspection of Edifices (ITE): it Is the inspection by which has to spend all edifice with a determinate antiquity with the end to value if it gathers all the requirements of security. Once the edifice have surpassed the half century of antiquity will be obliged to spend the ITE, at least, each 10 years.
Cédula Of Habitability: it Is a document that collects if the finca chosen is the ideal for the use that pretends give to the house. It has to elaborate before the occupation of a house of new construction. It is indispensable for the obtaining of a mortgage.
Technical inspection of Edifices (ITE): it Is the inspection by which has to spend all edifice with a determinate antiquity with the end to value if it gathers all the requirements of security. Once the edifice have surpassed the half century of antiquity will be obliged to spend the ITE, at least, each 10 years.