The past year the Ministry responsible for public works presented the Plan of House 2018-2021 with the idea that it went in in force at the beginning of this year.
News Published The world Supplements 16/02/2018
The formalities have delayed , what has spent to demorar his set. But this week the minister of Promotion announced that the planned helps in the document will have retroactive character with date 1 January 2018. That is to say, will be able to benefit of them those people that have bought a residence from this date and fulfil the requirements contemplated in the document. The anterior plan of House extended to the period 2013-2016.
One of the strong points of the initiative puts the focus in one of the communities with more difficulties of access to a house: the youngsters. The Plan offers helps for minor people of 35 years that want to buy or rent a house.
They will be able to opt to helps of until 10.800 euros, with the limit of 20% of the price of acquisition, those youngsters whose income are inferior to thrice the IPREM. This index is the public indicator of income of multiple effects, that was born in 2004 to substitute to the minimum salary interprofesional like reference for the concession of distinct provision sociales.en 2017, the IPREM established in the 537,8 monthly euros.
Therefore, can benefit of these subventions the people whose annual gross income are inferior to 22.558 euros. Another requirement that asks is the constitution of a residence, of usual and permanent form, during a minimum of five years.
The helps to the hire for youngsters is another of the sections of the program and ascend until 50% of the cost of the lease to the month. The gratification will have a time limit of three years.
The criterion regarding the salary of the beneficiario is the same that in the case of purchase, that is to say, inferior to thrice the IPREM.
Another factor that will look is that the amount of the hire was equal or inferior to the 600 euros to the month, or until 900 euros in the cases that are justified. Finally, another of the requirements to opt to these helps is not having a house in property or in usufruct.
Waiting for that among in force, the helps contemplated in the document will have a retroactive character with date of 1 January of this year.