It invests in another usual house and remains exento of the gains patrimoniales in the I.R.P.F.

Article published in Magazine The Meu Prat December 2016
One of them is when a taxpayer remains exento to declare the gains patrimoniales after the sale of a real estate. Mónica Grandson (API) explains it to us of the clearest form possible.
When a person sells a house, can obtain a gain patrimonial that has to declare to Property. But this gain, could remain exenta of taxes if the money obtained by the sale, reinvierte in the purchase of another usual house or in the rehabilitation of which go to have such purpose. “It can you present a big opportunity and that decide to buy before selling. In this case, interests you know that you also can remain exento to declare the gain patrimonial, whenever the sale was before the two years of the purchase and allocate the whole of the money received to cancel the mortgage that asked to purchase the new house.”
If you have not attained to sell before the two years, could lose the opportunity to remain exento to have to declare the gains patrimoniales. “If they spend the 2 years and the individual still has not sold, can compensate him more recess the price and “malvender” to rid of tributar by the profit. This yes, the suitability of one or another thing is something that has to decide with the numbers on the table and the owed professional advice.”
Other forms to remain exento of the gain patrimonial:
- When reinviertes all the perceived by the sale of an usual house in the purchase of another usual house. If no reinvierte the whole of the charged, the partial serious exemption.
- The main of 65 years that sell his usual house, remain exentos to declare the gain patrimonial.The main of 65 years that sell any very (in this case yes can be a second residence) and invest the profits in an income vitalicia to a minimum term of 5 years, have the first 240.000 euros exentos of taxation.