The energetic efficiency in the houses for hire, aim of the EU

We are in the year 2015 and already only remain 5 years more than term so that the European Union fulfil with the aim to improve the energetic efficiency in the main part of the park of houses. However, this adaptation goes very slow and puts in danger achieve dip it, especially in the houses for hire.
From here that Spain, beside other 7 European countries, -Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic, France, Poland, United Kingdom and Low Countries- have involved in a project of investigation to analyse which incentives need and which costs suppose the works of renewal in the houses for hire to improve his energetic efficiency and sustainability in the time.
And it is that as already we count you in a post anterior of, to anybody suits him ignore the energetic efficiency of his floor for hire in Girona or of his house in Lleida. And it is not a question to have to fulfil with the European rule because like this it says it the law, is a question that goes much more there, that involves a direct saving in the pocket of owners and/or tenants and to guarantee the future of the planet where live all.
The project designates ‘RentalCal. Incentives through the transparency: the surroundings of the market of European house like incentive for the investment in rehabilitation and in energetic sufficiency' and locoordina Germany through the Institut Whohen und Umwelt GMBH.
The initiative of Spain and the others 7 European countries that take part, is foreseen that it last 3 years and frames inside the program Horizon 2020, the biggest of the European Union on R&D, endowed with more than 80 billion of euros, private investment to part.
In the project work economists, aparejadores, sociologists, urbanistas and experts in new technologies, according to account in an interview with Efe, Paloma Taltavull, main researcher of the project in Spain and professor of the Institute of International Economy of the University of Alicante (UA).
The Spanish expert considers that, the energetic efficiency represents a value added for the real-estate property, in addition to being indispensable to be able to face up to the increasing cost of the energy. And it is that the price of the energy has not stopped to grow in the last years and the families know very very what costs to pay the bills of the light, live in a floor for hire in Barcelona or in unacasa in Olot.
It invites also to leave to think that do improvements in the energetic efficiency supposes an important outlay of money, since “The technological innovations in the thermal isolation of houses, the installation of solar plates and the reduction of energetic consumption are very advanced and will be able to produce to some affordable costs when manufacturing them in the quantities that requires the renewal of the park, what will benefit in the final price to the consumer“.
What looks you that Spain take part in this program? You think that it is him giving the owed importance to the energetic efficiency? Count us!
Published in Api, Curiosities, House Written by Anna Gaya Dates of publication May 14, 2015