The need to do a more rigorous Law to avert like this the errors committed in the past has spent to the requirement of a deeper studio of solvency of the client, fits to highlight that it will contribute more protection to the consumer, transparency and distribution of costs equitativos among the client and the entity.

Some key points to know:

  • Execution hipotecaria: previous Procedure to the embargo, In the ½ part of the loan the execution will not actuate until the 12 months of non-payment, in front of the 3 months of the anterior normative
  • Subrogation: it facilitates the change of a mortgage to another entity since it disappears the commission by subrogation in function of the year in that it bought the house.
  • Amortise loan: they go down the half the commissions of amortización in mortgages of fixed type.
  • Costs of mortgage: Client only pays the valuation the rest of costs the sufraga the entity.
  • Clausula Soil: Deleted of the agreements hipotecarios.
  • Interests of demora: they have recessed .
  • Tasadores: The client will be able to choose freely to the tasador.
  • Evaluation to the client:  Before the concession of the loan can make an evaluation of solvency to the clients.
  • Notary: The client has obligation to go to the notary twice to put him in knowledge of his conditions and this same notary has to ensure that it understands what goes to sign.

What pretends is that the clients know to the detail his loan and know that they are signing, of this way will reduce the demands of this sector, that in the last years has been the centre of judicial processes by subjects like the clauses am used to or the IRPH. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat