It loses THE FEAR

Article published in local magazine The Meu Prat of September of 2017
At present, they exist numerous measures that can take and that guarantee us a sure hire, or at least, that minimise to a large extent the risks associated.
In the first place, signal the obvious, and is that, rent a house does not mean that it have to rent to any one. Rent with security means to do it with responsibility, one of the important things to check is the economic situation of the person interested in leasing, true is that have capacity of payment does not mean to be good pagador, to avert these situations have the possibility of: hire sure of non-payment, consult FIM, request report of solvency, … With the new fiscal reform, can request the eviction of a delinquent tenant passed 10 days of non-payment since the owner put the complaint in the court.
Second, the fear to recover the house in case of extreme need, the arrendador can demand the real estate if it wants to use like usual house, for himself same, for familiar of first degree or for his spouse in cases of separation, divorce or nullity.
On the other hand, one of the changes of the new fiscal reform went to be the disappearance of this fiscal profit, but the Government gave course backwards and the owners still can benefit of 60% of exemption tributaria in income tax of the incomes for hire.
But, especially, the most important to the hour to look for guarantees in the hire of our house, is to find the ideal tenant, the one who pays punctually, maintains the floor in the suitable conditions and remains by a long period of time. To find the ideal tenant, advise that it put in hands of experts in real-estate services. That is the best way to win security in the process for hire from the beginning.