What is the Cédula of Habitability?

For the management and formality of Cédula of Habitability IMOPRAT has professional with the experience and necessary resources for his transact by means of all the technical and juridical mechanisms.
It is the document that accredits that the real estate fulfils with the minimum characteristics of habitability, demanded by the Decree of Habitability, 55/2009 of 7 April 2009. To general level indicates that the house is apt for his use like house, previous certification of a qualified Technician.
The document of the Cédula of caducous habitability to the 15 years of his expedition and has to transact again once passed this term. Caducous automatically if they have made modifications to the distribution or surface of the house.
When it is necessary to obtain the Cédula of Habitability?
The document is an indispensable legal requirement stops:
- Rent/sell/buy a house.
- Hire the services of water, gas and/or electricity.
The Cédula of Habitability is compulsory by rule in ALL the houses built.
Which documentation need to request the Cédula of Habitability
For the processing of the cédula of habitability requires :
Supporting documentation of the property. (Writing or Simple Note)
Receipt of Tax of Sakes Inmobles (IBI).
Data of the applicant i/or proprietary (DNI, NIE or Passport).
If it treats of a house unifamiliar, entresuelo, main, attic or sobreático, is necessary the photocopy of the writing or simple note, to hand to the Generalitat.How much hard the formality of application of the Cédula of Habitability After making the technical inspection, remit to the client the comprobantes of the processing and of the application with the definite number of the same.
Once we have made the formality of the application, the Departament d'Habitatge of the Generalitat will remit him by post certified the cédula of original habitability, in an approximate term of 45 business days.
What spends when the house does not fulfil the requirements?
We prepare you a technical report explaining the concrete points where breaks the Decree. In the majority of the cases can remedy these points by means of punctual works. Back to the realisation of the works, issue the technical certificate and can proceed to transact the Cedula by the Generalitat.
Can find some cases where the works to make are of big envergadura. In these cases we can prepare you a technical report visa that certifies that the house will be able to gather the technical requirements after some works of modification of distribution of the floor. This would be the case when it wants to buy or sell a floor that pretends reform after the purchase. The technical certificate that prepare you will be valid document for the legal and notarial formalities of purchase-sale.
What spends if I need the cedula urgently?
Usually the supplying companies of services accept like valid document the protect of application of Cedula of the Generalitat.
In the case of the byline of a Writing will be necessary to present the Cedula original.
Where finds the Delegation of the House?
The main office of the Delegation of the House finds to the centre of Barcelona:
Departament Of Medi Ambient i Habitatge c/ Aragon 240-244 (08007) Barcelona
Pair to more information? It looks the web of the Generalitat: http://www20.gencat.cat/portal/site/habitatge