We explain you the main requirements so that your house of The Prat of llobregat, obtain this document, necessary to rent or sell and to give of tall the light, the gas, the water and other supplies.
According to the DECREE 141/2012, of 30 October, by which regulate the minimum conditions of habitability of the houses and the cédula of habitability, in bold strokes a house has to fulfil the following requirements to be considered habitable:
Habitability and occupation: - The house has to have an useful surface of, like minimum, 36 m².
- It has to state at least of a stay or living room-canteen, a hygienic camera and a squad of cookery.
- If the room is an only space, has to be possible the compartimentación of a room of 8 m².
- If there is not an only space, the minimum room has to be of 6 m².
- The minimum height habitable has to be among the paving finished and the ceiling of 2,5m. However, in the cookery, baths and spaces of circulation, can be of 2,20m and in the canteen, living room and rooms can admit, excepcionalmente, 2,30 for the step of installations and structural elements.
Sustainability and energetic saving: - The houses have to be thought to take advantage of the natural conditions of the climate and fulfil the valid criteria in matter of energetic efficiency.
Compartimentación: - The compartimentación is free but has to allow that the destined spaces to the rooms can independizarse and that the destined to hygienic cameras are independent.
- Any space of the house can serve of access obliged to any venue that was not of exclusive use of the own house.
- The chambers of bath can not serve in passing obliged to the subtract rooms. In case to want to it, only admits have a wash basin in a space of circulation.
Accessibility: - Any house have to be, like minimum, practicable and in case to have different floors or levels, it is necessary to guarantee a practicable access to the chamber of bath, the cookery, the space of common use and a room.
- The door of access to the house and the ones of the basic spaces have to have a minimum width in passing of 0,80 m and a minimum free height of 2 m. The doors of access to the spaces of the house that are not practicable have to have a minimum free width in passing of 0,70 m and a minimum free height of 2 m.
- The inner spaces allocated to the circulation that connect the access to the house and the practicable spaces have to have a minimum width of a metre and allow a circle of manoeuvre of a metre and 1,20m. Diameter.
Other necessary appearances that they have to have the houses: - Services of cold and hot water, evacuation of waters and electricity.
- A hygienic squad formed, like minimum, by a wash basin, a toilet and a shower.
- A squad of cookery formed, like minimum, by a sink and a device of cooking, and with a specific system of mechanical extraction on the device of cooking that allow the extraction of vapours and smokes until the cover.
- The complete installation for a squad of wash of clothes.
- An electronic porter or similar system that facilitate the entrance and allow the interactive communication from the access to the edifice with the house.
- A system of access to the services of telecommunications.
- An open façade to the free space outside of the edifice that offer ventilation and illumination, like minimum, to one of the spaces of the zone of common use of the house. Each room has to foresee an individual space of storage.
Published in House Written by Ester Castanyer Date of publication January 17, 2014