Advantages and problems to rent a floor with pieces of furniture or without pieces of furniture.

Take the decision to rent a house with pieces of furniture or without pieces of furniture can result a true dilemma. According to the perspective of the proietario or of the tenant can find advantages and inconvenient.
Article published in The Meu Prat December 2015
The possible advantages:
If it already has pieces of furniture, will save the endeavour to have to vaciar the floor and averiguar where plant them.
They augment the possibilities to rent the house, since for the tenants, furnish a house supposes a big economic investment or assume a mudanza a lot main.
The possible problems:
The furniture is an active that goes deteriorating with the step of the time, therefore, will have to assume the renewal of part of the furniture when it was necessary.
That the tenants take care the house and his content always is a worry and sometimes, source of conflict. It suits to do an exhaustive inventory and detailed of all what contains and the state of conservation.
No all the pieces of furniture favour the hire of a house. If they are very old, ugly or of bad quality can convert even in a repelente for the interested.
The possible advantages:
The best option for a brief or uncertain period of time (people with labour mobility).
It supposes a saving of money and the can go in immediately.
It provides liberty of movement, if you need of mudarte will avert you a big mudanza.
The possible problems:
It can not decide the type of decoration that one wants for his home, since the existent pieces of furniture are those that have to assume yes or yes.
There are people that do not feel to taste with an already used furniture, is the tenant the one who has to assume the cost of these parts of the furniture that want to renew and with the permission of the proprietary part.
Has to take care the furniture without that they have flaws, as afterwards they will be motive so that the owner do not give the bail handed to the start of the agreement.